Free Stuff: Education
your skills with a FREE online Brainbench certification exam
Brainbench provides online certification and assessment of more than 200 different
skills that drive business success today. All of our skills assessments are web-based,
eliminating configuration management and geographical issues from the start, thus
decreasing costs and doing business effectively and efficiently.
- Registration is FREE!
: is a National Directory for keeping in touch with High
School Friends, Planning Class Reunions, and Posting Class Reunion Announcements.
Over 30,000 schools listed! We have made it easy by providing a Central Location
for you and members of your High School Class to store and update your e-mail,
and/or phone contact and address for your Class Reunion organizers and other Class
Members to locate you. Registration to your Class and updates to your address
info are Always Free.
Sign Translator
from Guiding Light Video. The International Alphabet for the deaf. Put in a word,
select enter and program will spell out your word in sign language.